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Cape Coral Junior Football Association

Cape Coral's Oldest Youth Football and Cheerleading Association


Pop Warner Little Scholars Program

CCJFA Pop Warner Little Scholars is committed to furthering our children’s character development as well as their sense of teamwork and sportsmanship with particular emphasis on academic growth, building confidence and pride.   Bottom line....It's All About The Kids!


Pop Warner Little Scholars

Pop Warner Little Scholars, Inc. is the only national youth sports organization in America that requires its participants to perform adequately in the classroom before permitting them to play. Click here for Scholar Rules.

Like such organizations as the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) and National Federation of High Schools (NFHS), Pop Warner Little Scholars has academic guidelines and criteria that need to be met in order for a child to participate.

Proof of satisfactory progress in school is required. A 2.0/70% or the equivalent shall be the minimum grade point average acceptable to participate. In cases of doubt, conflict of opinion, or if a valid report card is not submitted, the nationally published scholastic eligibility form shall be used and deemed final.

Homeschooled athletes can fill out this Homeschool form
Grading Conversion Chart - click here

What if I Don't Have a 2.0/70% Grade Point Average?

We understand that not all student-athletes are able to meet our scholastic requirements. If a child does not meet the requirements of scholastic fitness, he/she may fill out and submit a Scholastic Eligibility Form


This form is to be completed by those participants in the Pop Warner program that have not met the National Scholastic Requirement of 70 percent and/or 2.0 Grade Point Average (GPA) at the time of certification. This form must be accompanied by a progressing progress report or report card. That report must be dated between September 13 and October 18. If no progress report or report card is given in this window, the player shall be found ineligible for the rest of the season.

Report Card Requirements:

  • Copy of First Semester Report Card
  • Copy of Final Official Report card for 2023-2024 School Year (All 4 Quarters)
  • The Following information must be shown:
    • School Name
    • Participant's Name
    • School Year (2023-2024)
    • Student's Grade Level (i.e. 1st Grade, 4th Grade, 8th Grade)
  • Copy must be clear and legible
  • Students entering Kindergarten are exempt from these requirements

Not Acceptable:

  • Progress Reports
  • School web site print outs
  • Pictures of Report Cards

All-American Scholar Program

Each year, the most academically accomplished Pop Warner kids compete for Academic All-American status. This process begins at the association level and up through each of the eight Pop Warner regions to the national level.

The Pop Warner Little Scholars All-American Program requires a minimum 96% grade point average to apply for All-American status. After the applications have been processed, Pop Warner determines National First Team All-Americans (35 football, 35 cheer per grade), National Second Team All-Americans and National Honorable Mention Scholars.

All American Application 2024 all-american scholar application.pdf

All-American Selection Process:

A final score is calculated for each student that consists of up to 100 points (85%) for the student's grades for the prior school year, along with up to 18 points (15%) awarded for the attached Addendum sheet of activities and achievements.

Once the scores have been calculated, First Team All-Americans are selected. The top 35 football players and 35 cheerleaders per grade (plus ties) are selected as National First Team All-Americans.

Second Team All-Americans are then determined by Pop Warner based upon the number of applications that were submitted for that year. Last year's total was approximately 3,800 Second Team All-Americans

What Happens Next?

Pop Warner will announce its annual Scholar All-Americans each year by April 1st. Each scholar will receive an informational packet in the mail by the end of April that includes:

  • Congratulatory letter from Pop Warner indicating their scholastic accomplishment.
  • Certificate of achievement for National All-Americans.

Got questions? Email us at:  [email protected]

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Cape Coral Junior Football Association


Email: [email protected]

Cape Coral Junior Football Association


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