Question: What are the Registration Fees?
The registration fee for 2021 Football: $275 and Cheerleading: $300 (non-competitive), $325 (Competitive Returner), and $375 (New Competitive). Sibling discounts available as well. The registration fee covers all costs including football equipment or cheer uniforms. There are no equipment rental costs for participants.
Question: What is included in the registration fee?
Football fee's include: Game Jersey (yours to keep), Game Pants (yours to keep), Practice Jersey (yours to keep), Game socks (yours to keep), Mouth Guard (yours to keep), Weigh-in Shirt and shorts (yours to keep), Duffle bag (yours to keep), Helmet (return at end of season), Shoulder Pads (return at end of season).
Cheer fee's include: Game Bow (yours to keep), Competition Bow (yours to keep), One pair of Bloomers (yours to keep), Travel shirt and shorts (yours to keep), Competition t-shirt (yours to keep), Game uniform (return at end of season) Competition Uniform (return at end of season, Backpack (New competition only, yours to keep), and Warm-up jacket (New competition only, yours to keep).
Question: Are the rosters limited?
Yes, it is VERY important to register early. There are maximum limits that apply to all teams & squads.
Question: What documents do I need to provide for registration?
In order to complete your child’s registration, the following items are required:
· Full payment of registration fees.
· Registration Forms (filled out electronically at the field).
· No Refund Form.
· Copy of a valid Birth Certificate (must see the original to verify).
· Copy of a FULL prior years report card – must include the full school year or multiple report cards if the child attended multiple schools.
· Copy of insurance card or a coinsurance waiver.
Question: Are there tryouts?
No, there are no tryouts in Pop Warner. All kids that are registered completely and accepted are added to the roster.
Question: Are there any special scholastic requirements for my child to participate?
Yes. All participants must have valid report cards for the prior school year showing at least a 2.0 GPA or Pass in a pass/fail system. Report card for only half of the year is considered incomplete – your child must have a report card for the entire year. If your child did not achieve a 2.0 GPA or is home schooled and does not have an accredited status report showing grades then the child may still register and participate but will be required to provide status reports during the school year starting on Sep. 15.