New (Covid-19) Practice Procedure: With everything that is going on with COVID, we have adopted modified practice procedures in order to minimize the possibility of spreading the virus. These precautions are in no way a guarantee that no one will get sick. Please see the attached form for our current practice procedures. Our Game day procedures are still pending approval at this time.
Water bottles
Due to the modified practice procedures, we are requiring that all athletes bring their own water bottle with them to practice (full). You are welcome to purchase any bottle you would like but please ensure that they are large enough for your athlete. We will have 32 oz squeeze bottles for sale for $5 if you need some.
New (COVID-19) refund policy: Due to the uncertainty of our current climate, we have added a COVID-19 amendment for the 2020 fall season. If for some reason we are shut down and have to cancel during the regular fall season we will refund the total amount you paid for registration minus anything you received (i.e. t-shirt, bow, jersey, insurance, etc.). Because of this, we will be changing the handout schedule for everything. This may cause an appearance of disorganization this season because we will wait until the last minute to hand anything out to be able to offer the largest refund amount possible. This policy will only apply if our season is canceled due to COVID-19.
COVID-19 summary: Right now, there is no certainty of anything. Anyone that tells you otherwise is either lying to you or themselves. I am in constant communication with Pop Warner, the city, the school, and the county and no one can say with certainty what’s going to happen. Things are changing by the day either good or bad based on information that may or may not be accurate. What I can tell you is that as much as you and I have felt the impact that COVID has had on our lives our children have had it the worst. They have been forced to adapt to an environment foreign to them and have had the last six months of their childhood taken from them that they will never get back. I cannot promise you that we will get a complete season in, I can say that we are doing everything we can to give all our children as much of their childhood back as we possibly can. Even if it’s a couple months, weeks or even days I know that I personally would like to have my kids out of the house and see some joy back in their faces.
ccjfa covid-19 practice procedures copy.pdf